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MQL Case Study : A complete solution for your business!


Lead Type


Intent Amplify offers a 360-degree solution to all your B2B lead-generation and demand-generation services tailored to your specific needs and has a high ROI. We assist you in mobilizing your sales and marketing services and direct you to a precise intent-verified prospect database.


Owing to issues with the Conversion Rate challenges, the overall success of Campaigns was dismal. When serving top Fortune 500 organizations, we realized that a stringent Quality Control approach for Verifying Leads is required to ensure our clients get their desired ROI. As the pioneers in Lead Validation and Quality Assurance, we immediately grasped the obstacles faced by this client. Using the Intent Amplify platform, we conducted a content syndication campaign (webinars and eBooks). The platform enabled us to confirm that all the data we are transmitting has been validated. This includes their phone number, email address, job title, industry, and location. Intent Amplify's strong cross-verification step is its most distinguishing feature. The vast majority of content syndication distributors only provide a generic corporate number, resulting in very poor contact rates for the SDR team.

Intent Amplify assisted a SaaS company in removing unqualified leads and increasing SQL conversion rates from 1% to 3%. Intent Amplify generated leads, which the QA team validated and managed for quality. Leads to MQL conversion increased to 98.3%, while MQL to SQL conversion rose to 2.7%.

Our Clients

We help global clients across industries find and acquire high-converting B2B sales leads and close more deals. As a sales and marketing arm of your company, we place a premium on generating qualified leads and amplifying loyal and long-run prospects.


  1. Our first aim was to create a marketing strategy campaign that would assist in increasing the demand as the overall success of Campaigns was dismal.
  2. The campaign failed to owe to a link gap despite a good product and good communication so our second goal was to increase brand awareness among potential prospects and brand positioning in the market.

MQL Case Study


When serving top Fortune 500 organizations, we realized that a stringent Quality Control approach for verifying leads is required to ensure our clients get their desired ROI. As the pioneers in lead validation and quality assurance, we immediately grasped the obstacles faced by this client. Using the Intent Amplify platform, we conducted a content syndication campaign (webinars and eBooks). Below are some strategies in brief that we undertook to solve their problem:

  • We curated a first-party audience that precisely matched the client's target demographics.
  • Client-approved POCs of the Landing Page, Email Template, and advertisements were then created.
  • Using display and email marketing, we were able to generate leads.
  • We saw an 8-10% conversion rate of leads into qualified MQLs/optin downloads with intent and consent to be contacted, from a campaign that generated 1K+ traffic.


Intent Amplify helped one SaaS company overcome poor leads and raise SQL conversion rates from less than one percent to nearly three percent. Leads were created through Intent Amplify’s intelligence, followed by validation and quality control by the QA team. Surprisingly, the Conversion Rate of the Leads to MQL rose to 98.3% and MQL to SQL Conversion Rate hiked to 2.7 percent.

Looking to increase your sales pipeline and quality conversion?

Sign up for a free demo right now!


Turning leads into clients is a crucial aspect and an essential one as well. While attempting to convert leads into customers, firms face one most common obstacle: ‘Understanding the buyer’s intent and preferences’, which was also one of the greatest obstacles faced by our client. Without a good grasp of the customer's desires, it can be difficult to craft an effective sales proposal. Developing trust is a crucial aspect of converting prospects into customers.

Let us tell you in brief what challenges our client faced:

  • Issues with quality and conversions, that is usually the case due to a lack of visibility and tracking of performance and numbers
  • Lack of effective telemarketing and email marketing process
  • Not getting enough connects and conversions
  • Rebuilding the inside sales team
  • Ascertaining the cost of qualified leads
  • Poor conversion of leads due to low quality
  • Inaccurate data
  • Lack of flexibility, transparency & compliance
No matter how
big or small,
we can meet
all of your
B2B Lead Generation
service needs.


Prominently, persistence is necessary to convert leads into clients. It takes time and effort to follow up with leads and cultivate a relationship. Before they are ready to make a purchase, certain leads may require many touchpoints. Converting leads to customers is an intricate process that necessitates firms to overcome several obstacles. Businesses may boost their chances of effectively converting leads into customers by recognizing these obstacles and developing effective methods to overcome them.

Our vision and focus go parallel to support your organization’s requirements & success. We hope this case study helps you get an insight into our strategic working, thought process, and the results we deliver. We look forward to hearing from you!

– Intent Amplify